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Research Interests

Broadly, my research interests focus on the effects of landscape management decisions on species of conservation concern, typically birds. Specifically, I am interested in the mechanisms that drive changes in spatial ecology, breeding performance, and survival that may manifest through changes in predation risk, habitat, food availability, or through other anthropogenic disturbances. My overarching goal is to conduct research that can inform management plans that minimize impacts of land management decisions on imperiled avian populations.


I am also interested in ways to enhance conservation efforts and biodiversity, particularly on private lands where culture, society, politics and economics often provide the context for management decisions. My research explores ways to encourage private landowners to manage for biodiversity through effective communication, incentive programs, and other conservation tools.

Overall, by incorporating these two areas of research interest, my aim is to guide management decisions that promote biodiversity while considering the needs and values of land owners and the human population as a whole.

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